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Self-Managed: Build with Your Own k8s Cluster

Who Should Use This Guide

This guide provides instructions on how to run a self-managed instance of Neon Proxy that offers more flexibility, configurability, and control for its Operator. It is designed for:

  • More advanced operators who would like to build their own Kubernetes clusters from scratch and run Neon Proxy on them
  • Enterprise operators with cluster solutions on-premise or with third-party public cloud providers such as AWS, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure

Please note that operating a self-managed Neon Proxy requires certain technical expertise and a solid understanding of network and security protocols. The operator is responsible for ensuring the security and reliability of the proxy and the Kubernetes cluster it runs on, and will be well-advised to invest time and resources into managing and maintaining them.

Operator Requirements

Balance Recommendations

First, you must be registered in Solana, which involves creating an account with a balance for storing SOL tokens, and getting the account's public and private keys.

There is no strict minimum amount of SOL tokens required to run as an operator on the Neon EVM. However, you should take into account the fact that you will need SOL tokens to create accounts for new users, deploy contracts, and execute transactions.

In addition to the balance for storing SOL tokens, an operator must also have the NEON_TOKEN_MINT balance for storing value tokens. These tokens are used to pay funds from users to an operator for the successful execution of transactions. Depending on the chosen configuration, specific values for NEON_TOKEN_MINT are described in the table below.

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To create the NEON_TOKEN_MINT balance, you can use the following command:

spl-token -u <Solana RPC node URL> create-account <NEON_TOKEN_MINT>


Our operators are based on three kind of kubernetes providers:

This means that the following components need to be installed on your device prior to proceeding:

  • Kubernetes version ≥ 1.21
  • Helm 3, Kubernetes' package manager
  • kubectl, a command-line tool for Kubernetes' control plane
  • jq, a command-line JSON processor

To set up Kubernetes with k0s, refer to this guide.

Hardware Recommendations

The following table represents the minimum specifications that you need to have to ensure a smooth operator experience.

Servers/VMsAt least two (2) with Intel Processor x86_64
CPU16 vCPU (for each server/VM)
RAM32 GB (for each server/VM)
Storage1 TB


A Neon proxy can be easily spun up using Kubernetes and the installation scripts at neonlabsorg/infrastructure-kubernetes.

First, clone the repository from GitHub:

git clone
cd infrastructure-kubernetes/

The scripts in neonlabsorg/infrastructure-kubernetes will deploy the following:

  1. The neon-proxy namespace
  2. The proxy-svc Proxy service
  3. The indexersvc Indexer service
  4. For local tests: airdropper and faucet services (devnet and testnet)
  5. Prometheus (used to gather application metrics from proxy and indexer services)
  6. Loki (tool for log collection from all applications inside the cluster)
  7. Grafana (visualization tool for monitoring metrics)

For the database service, there are two options available, both of which will be described in detail in the following section.

Next, copy the configuration file into config.ini:

cp config.ini.sample config.ini

This is where you configure various aspects of how you wish to run your Proxy. Open it with your text editor of choice.


config.ini contains environment variables that dictate how the services within the Proxy are run. It is organized into the following sections:


  • P_ENV - specifies the Neon network environment you will connect to: devnet, testnet, or mainnet.
  • INGRESS_ENABLED - enables/disables the ingress for the cluster
  • VAULT_ENABLED - enables/disables Hashicorp Vault container inside your cluster as a service
  • NEON_PROXY_ENABLED - enables/disables Neon Proxy container
  • POSTGRES_ENABLED - enables/disables local Postgresql pods (see the Postgres section)
  • CLUSTER_TYPE - specifies the Kubernetes provider used. Options are "eks", "gke" or "localhost" (see the Kubernetes section)
  • NAMESPACE - specifies the namespace that the Proxy will be deployed inside the cluster. Default is neon-proxy
  • KEY_DIR - path to the directory containing your neon-labs operator keys, relative to the current directory
  • KEY_MASK - regular expression that finds your operator key JSON files


  • SOLANA_URL - specifies the Solana URL RPC endpoint that a Proxy is connecting to

    • The public Solana endpoints have upper-bound limits for requests per minute (60)

    • It is best for the operator to use their own Solana node running on their infrastructure

    • For each endpoint's timeout values, see:

      devnet (slot)
      testnet (slot)
      localhttp://localhost:8899110 (slot)
  • PP_SOLANA_URL - For standalone Solana, different values (SOLANA_URL and PP_SOLANA_URL) are necessary. For testnet/devnet/mainnet-beta, you can use the same value for SOLANA_URL and PP_SOLANA_URL. If left empty, PP_SOLANA_URL's value will be the same as SOLANA_URL


  • PROXY_VER - specifies the Proxy/Docker image version

  • PROXY_COUNT - specifies the number of pods that you need to host in your cluster namespace

  • PROXY_COUNT - specifies the number of keys that each pod will use from Hashicorp Vault

  • PROXY_HOST - if you want to use an ingress to serve your own DNS name inside the cluster, set this variable to point to the host

  • PRX_FAUCET_URL - specifies the internal name inside your namespace that calls the faucet application (only applicable to local development and devnet)

  • PRX_PROXY_URL - specifies the address of local Neon Proxy that resides inside in your namespace service

  • PRX_LOG_NEON_CLI_DEBUG - enables/disables debugging information in Neon CLI logs

  • PRX_PYTH_MAPPING_ACCOUNT - specifies a Pyth Network account

  • PRX_MINIMAL_GAS_PRICE - specifies the lowest fee for gas price

  • PRX_ENABLE_PRIVATE_API - allows/disallows use of private APIs

  • PRX_EVM_LOADER - specifies which EVM loader to use (for local installations only)

    • For each network endpoint's EVM_LOADER values, see:

  • PRX_NEON_CLI_TIMEOUT - sets the timeout limit for Proxy to Solana cluster connectivity

  • PRX_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT - sets the confirm timeout for Proxy to Solana cluster connectivity




The Proxy database is based on Postgres. For database, we have two options in terms of connectivity:

Option 1: Run Postgres database locally inside Kubernetes as a pod

To run the Postgresql database inside Kubernetes as a cluster pod (StatefulSet) with local storage, simply set

Option 2: Run your own external Postgres database remotely

Alternatively, you can use your external database from the Kubernetes cluster to your own PostgreSQL database such as RDS(AWS), CloudSQL(GCP), or other bare metal or Virtual Machine-based installation. This option is recommended if running in a production environment. Set the following variables to point to your Postgres database:

POSTGRES_ENABLED="false" # In the "General" section


  • POSTGRES_HOST - specifies the hostname/IP address of your database, if it is being run outside the cluster
  • POSTGRES_DB - specifies the schema name that will generate inside your database
  • POSTGRES_USER - specifies your database username
  • POSTGRES_PORT - specifies your database's TCP port. Default is 5432
  • POSTGRES_STORAGE_CLASS - specifies the database's storage class. Options are "host" if you set up your database in your local cluster; and "efs" if you already have an AWS Elastic File System (EFS) storage that will keep your database records
  • POSTGRES_PASSWORD - specifies the database password of your choosing. If left empty, the password will be randomly generated.
    • If the password is randomly generated, you can use kubectl to get from the secret object and see its value by running
      kubectl get secret postgres-secret #--template={{.data.POSTGRES_PASSWORD}} -n #neon-proxy | base64 --decode

      Disclaimer: For production environments, we strongly recommend external PostgreSQL databases, such as AWS RDS, GCP CloudSQL, or your database installations.


The vault component, built on HashiCorp Vault, stores your private keys using a secure standard.

  • VAULT_TYPE - specifies what type of vault is used. Options are "dev", "standalone", or "ha"
    • "dev": For local installation/development purposes
    • "standalone": If you only want one container
    • "ha": If you want high availability
  • VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN - specifies the root token, which is a token that has the root policy attached to it, for the vault
  • VAULT_UNSEAL_KEY - specifies the unseal key, which is a key for unsealing a vault and encrypting the root key

Upon the first installation of Neon Proxy, a vault-keys.json file is generated, and it contains the values for VAULT_ROOT_TOKEN and VAULT_UNSEAL_KEY. Please make sure to safeguard them in a secure place and manner. These will be re-used in the future.

For subsequent installations/updates, please uncomment these two variables in config.ini and set their values accordingly.

Learn more about how to root token and unseal key work together here.

  • VAULT_KEYS_FILE - specifies the path to the vault-keys.json file
  • VAULT_DEV_TOKEN - for development environments, use this variable to specify a simple token. Defaults to "root"
  • VAULT_KEY_SHARED - specifies the number of key shares to split the generated master key into. This is the number of "unseal keys" to generate
  • VAULT_KEY_THRESHOLD - specifies the number of key shares required to reconstruct the root key. This must be less than or equal to VAULT_KEY_SHARED
  • VAULT_HA_REPLICAS - specifies the number of replicas of vault pods inside your cluster


./ -i -f config.ini

Once Kubernetes pulls the necessary images, your Neon proxy will start, displaying a myriad of information, such as the network environment, namespace, keys information, Solana URL, and more.


Fresh installation in read-only mode without keys

In this option, no operator key is passed to the command, and the proxy runs in read-only mode (-r)


Fresh installation with operator keys

Running an operator for the first time and all provisioned migrations (-i), with operator keys inside operator-keypairs-full path (-k) and using a local configuration file (-f) named config.ini.local


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